जीएसएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

गोवा कर्मचारी निवड आयोग म्हणजेच ‘जीएसएससी’तर्फे सरकारी प्राथमिक शाळेत प्रशिक्षित इंग्रजी शिक्षक (Trained English Teacher In Government Primary School) या पदासाठी घेतल्या जाणाऱ्या परीक्षेकरिता कॉम्प्युटर आधारित परीक्षेसाठीची नमुना प्रश्नपत्रिका. राज्यभरातून हजारो उमेदवार या पदांसाठी अर्ज करतात. या परीक्षेसाठी कशा पद्धतीचे प्रश्न येतात ते कळावे यासाठी गेल्या काही वर्षांतील परीक्षांमधील प्रश्नावली ‘गोवन वार्ता’ प्रसिद्ध करत आहे.

Story: न्यूज डेस्क। गोवन वार्ता |
02nd March, 04:25 am
जीएसएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

1 Question Description 

'जीबेक उदक सुटप' ह्या वाक्यप्रचाराचो अर्थ....... 

A रूच येवप 

B चाळोवन दाखोवप 

C जीब उदकांत बुडवप 

D पोट भल्लेले भशेन दिसप

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer a

2 Question Description

हे चणे बाबा म्हज्या दाताक लागनात. ह्या वाक्यांत दाताक लागनात हाचो अर्थ किदें ? 

A शिंयान दात कडकडतात 

B तोंड घट्ट बंद केलां 

C तोंड आं केलां 

D दातांनी चाबूंक जायना

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer d

3 Question Description 

कोंकणी साहित्यिक दामोदर मावजो हांकां दुसरो ज्ञानपीठ साहित्य पुरस्कार फावो जाला, पयलो पुरस्कार कोणाक मेळील्लो ? 

A रवींद्र केळेकर 

B पुंडलीक नायक 

C महाबळेश्वर सैल 

D मनोहरराय सरदेसाय 

E None of the above 

Marks 1

Answer a 

4 Question Description 

'वासपूस' ह्या उतराचो सकयल्ल्या खंयच्या पर्यायाचो अर्थ योग्य दिसता ? 

A वसवस 

B सासपप 

C चवकशी  

D घुसपप 

E None of the above

Marks 1 

Answer C

5 Question Description 

खंयच्या उतरा चो ‘मा ड’ उतरा कडेन संबंध दि सना ?

A चुडीत

B आडसर

C पिराडो

D शेवक

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer e

6 Question Description 

धाकट्या भावा परस व्हडलो भावबरीक दिसता . . ह्या वाक्यांत आमकां दिसता

ती .....

A दोगां मदली तुळा /तुलना

B दोगां मदले गुण

C दोगां मदलें वा यटपण

D दोगां मदली नसाय

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer a

7 Question Description  

नाताळाच्या दिसांनी घराघरांनी ....... पेटयतात.

A दिवली

B नखेत्र

C पणती

D दिवज

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer b

8 Question Description 

साटली पोटली कवळप ह्या वा क्य्प्रचा रा चो अर्थ सांगात 

A पोटलेचेर बसून साट खा वप

B भायर सरून वचप

C न्ही दपा ची तया री करप

D पां य कवळून न्ही दप

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer b

9 Question Description 

वाजोवपाच्या आयधांची जोडी पुराय करात. ढोल-तासो, पेटी -तबलें, टाळपखवाज, घुमट--

A रमट

B ताट

C शेमेळ

D सटी

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

10 Question Description  

हे वळेरेंत खंयचो पर्याय योग्य दिसता ? . केस, ल्हेंव, भुवयो ,......

A नाक

B मिश्यो

C बोटां

D कान

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer b

11 Question Description 

Choose the adverb from the following sentence:

The state level chess champion played his stroke masterfully.

A level

B stroke

C masterfully

D champion

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

12 Question Description  

What is a phrase with special meaning called?

A Proverb

B Adverbial phrase

C Idiom

D Adjective phrase

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

13 Question Description

 Fill in the blank:

A word that describes an adjective is __________ 

A a noun

B an adjective

C an interjection

D a proper noun

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer e

14 Question Description 

The following sentence is in direct speech. Select the sentence from the alternatives that is in indirect speech. The President said, “Complete the project and proceed.”

A The President asked them to proceed.

B The President instructed them to proceed.

C The President instructed them to complete the project and


D The President gave them instructions.

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

15 Question Description 

How many conjunctions are present in the sentence that


Gina and Gita were terrified because of the stories and


A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

16 Question Description 

What is the part of speech of the underlined word in the

following sentence?

This expensive book-case is hers.

A Possessive preposition

B Simple pronoun

C Possessive adjective

D Possessive pronoun

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer d

17 Question Description 

Which of the options given is the passive voice of the

following sentence?

The enthusiastic gully cricketers have broken the window.

A The window is been broken by the enthusiastic gully


B The broken window is by the enthusiastic gully cricketers.

C The window has been broken by the enthusiastic gully


D The enthusiastic gully cricketers have broken.

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

18 Question Description 

Fill in the blank with the correct option from those given


He has now decided to scale_____________

A Himalayas

B a Himalayas

C the Himalayas

D Himalaya

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

19 Question Description 

Fill in the blank with the correct option from those given


He said that he _______________ from his village.

A returned

B will return

C had returned

D is returning

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c

20 Question Description 

Identify the correct tense used in the sentence:

Ramesh will have reached his goal by tomorrow.

A Present future

B Present perfect

C Future

D Future perfect

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer d

21 Question Description 

In the phrase, “Their inheritance”, “their” is a __________ 

A Possessive preposition

B Simple pronoun

C Possessive adjective

D Possessive pronoun

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c