गोवा लोकसेवा आयोगातर्फे (जीपीएससी) सहाय्यक जिल्हा शैक्षणिक निरीक्षक (Assistant District Educational Inspectors) पदासाठी यापूर्वी झालेल्या परीक्षेची प्रश्नावली देण्यात येत आहे. अशी परीक्षा देणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना परीक्षेचे स्वरूप लक्षात यावे, या उद्देशाने ही प्रश्नावली देत आहोत.
1 Question Description Article 45 under the Directive Principles of State policy in the Indian Constitution, provides for__________
A Rights of minorities to establish educational institutions
B Free and compulsory primary education
C Education for weaker sections of the country
D Giving financial assistance to less advanced states
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
2 Question Description
A a
B b
C c
D d
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
3 Question Description To identify individual differences of learners in a class the teacher will use__________
A Summative Assessment
B Diagnostic Assessment
C Formative Assessment
D Placement Assessment
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
4 Question Description The statement which is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child is________
A The relative contributions of peers and genes are not additive
B Heredity and environment do not operate together
C Propensity is related to environment while actual development requires heredity
D Both heredity and environment contribute 50% each in the development of a child.
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1
5 Question Description Classroom interactions are influenced largely by
A Student’s commitment
B Teacher centric environment
C Unsolicited interventions
D Organizational oversight
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1
6 Question Description Communication without words is called _______
A Object communication
B Written communication
C Oral communication
D Non-verbal communication
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
7 Question Description The basic concept of Naturalism is to:
A Focus upon the creative thinking of students.
B See education as a preparation for the future.
C Develop moral values through religious experience.
D Study natural laws and apply them to the process of education.
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
8 Question Description Schools are social institutions because they
A preserve and instill in future generations, the knowledge, ideas and customs of our culture.
B suggest ways and means of social progress.
C suggest solutions to social problems.
D are established by the society.
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1
9 Question Description Education is the dynamic side of__________
A Psychology
B Sociology
C Philosophy
D Literature
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
10 Question Description In terms of transfer of learning the effect of mother tongue in learning correct pronunciation of a foreign language can be termed as______
A Positive transfer
B Negative transfer
C Bilateral transfer
D Zero transfer.
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
11 Question Description Interpersonal Intelligence is defined as having the criteria___________
A a sensitivity to those distinctions, acknowledged by treating each individual with their personal distinctions in mind
B the ability to act on the basis of self-knowledge, creating environments, guiding behavior, and making decisions based on an
accurate picture of oneself.
C the ability to understand and interact effectively with others,
D All of the above
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
12 Question Description Children learns through:
A Experience, Experimentation, making and doing things.
B Reading, Discussion, Listening, Thinking and reflecting.
C Expressing oneself in speech writing.
D All of the above
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
13 Question Description Which one is the correct ascending order according to Dales cone of experience?
A Verbal symbol, Visual symbol, Still picture, Motion picture.
B Visual symbol, Verbal symbol, Motion picture, Still pictures.
C Still picture, Visual symbol, Motion picture, Verbal symbol.
D Motion picture, Still picture, Visual symbol, Verbal symbol.
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
14 Question Description Which of the following activities indicate the nature of formative assessment?
1. Conducting a quiz test.
2. Conducting an aptitude test.
3. The evaluating of student in a grading system.
4. Providing feedback while teaching.
5. Motivating students for innovative thinking in the class.
Select answer from the options given below:
A (1), (2) and (3).
B ((2), (3) and (4).
C (1), (4) and (5).
D (2), (3) and (5).
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
15 Question Description The highest level of hierarchy in the Cognitive Domain is ______
A Evaluating
B Applying
C Creating
D Analysing
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
16 Comprehension Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: -
Arnold Toynbee said about Ramakrishna that ‘his religious activity and experience were comprehensive to a degree that had
perhaps never before been attained by any other religious genius in India or elsewhere’. You will hear only echoes of such words if
you go through some recent works on Ramakrishna published in the West. What is most important in all works for the
dissemination of Vedanta philosophy in its bearings on the idea of universal religion is to affirm, without any reservation, that this
ideal does not touch any religion as it exists but only urges a universal approach to all religions. By universal religion, Vivekananda
meant this mingling of faiths and he thought it was Vedanta, particularly Advaita Vedanta, which could bring about this mingling of
spiritual tunes in a grand harmony of faiths.
Question Description The statement, ‘his religious activity and experience were comprehensive to a degree that had perhaps never before been attained by
any other religious genius in India or elsewhere’, implies that as a religious genius, his religious activity and experience were
A probably the first, and so far, the most comprehensive in the world
B likely to be the most comprehensive in India and elsewhere
C those which few others had attained in the past in India or elsewhere
D perhaps the best and comprehensive attainments in the world.
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1