गोवा लोकसेवा आयोगातर्फे (जीपीएससी) सहाय्यक जिल्हा शैक्षणिक निरीक्षक /शिक्षक श्रेणी -I (इंग्रजी) (Assistant District Educational Inspectors/ Teacher Grade -I(ENGLISH)) पदासाठी यापूर्वी झालेल्या परीक्षेची प्रश्नावली देण्यात येत आहे. अशी परीक्षा देणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना परीक्षेचे स्वरूप लक्षात यावे, या उद्देशाने ही प्रश्नावली देत आहोत.
1 Determiners can occur before a noun or a noun phrase in distinct grammatical units as ------
A word, phrase, clause
B phrase, phrasal unit, schwa
C clause, exclamation, punctuation
D word, phrase, affix
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
2 Identify the figure of speech in the lines: “Thy beams so reverend and strong/Why should you think?”
A rhetorical question; transferred epithet
B simile; personification
C metaphor; rhetorical question
D rhetorical question; personification
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
3 Read the following stanza and, from the option given below, identify the figures of speech present in it.
“Our sincerest laughter /With some pain is fraught/ Our sweetest songs /
Are those that tell of saddest thought.”
A paradox, personification, simile
B paradox, antithesis, alliteration
C oxymoron, transferred epithet, synecdoche
D antithesis, oxymoron, metonymy
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
4 Besides, possessives, distributives, demonstratives, and interrogatives, the other determiners are------
A articles, cardinals, quantifiers
B nouns, verbal phrases and adverbs
C disjunctives, adjuncts and articles
D numerals, disjunctives and qualifiers
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1
5 The grammatical unit that comes together with a noun or noun phrase and serves to express the noun in its context is called the ------
A adjective
B determiner
C postposition
D pronoun
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
6 A (A)-(ii); (B)-(i); (C) -(iv); (D)-(iii)
B (A)-(i); (B)-(ii); (C)-(iii); (D)-(iv)
C (A)-(ii); (B)-(iv); (C)-(iii); (D)-(i)
D (A)-(iv); (B)-(ii); (C)-(i); (D)-(iii)
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
7 Select the option that mentions the figures of speech which are not present in the following statement:
“O Wind, / If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”
A apostrophe, rhetorical question, antithesis
B metaphor, paradox, rhetorical question
C synecdoche, simile, metonymy
D metaphor, apostrophe, antithesis
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
8 Identify the main characters from The Mayor of Casterbridge
A Elizabeth Jane-Newson; Domnic Farfrae; Lucetta Templeton
B Donald Farfrae; Lucetta Templeman; Susan Jane-Newman
C Michael Henchard; Lucetta Templeton; Eliza Jean- Forbson
D Michael Henchard; Susan Henchard; Elizabeth Jane-Newson
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
9 A (A)-(ii); (B)-(iii); (C) -(iv); (D)-(i)
B (A)-(iv); (B)-(iii); (C)-(ii); (D)-(i)
C (A)-(iv); (B)-(i); (C)-(iii); (D)-(v)
D (A)-(i); (B)-(ii); (C) (iii); (D)-(iv)
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
10 The process of visual representation of speech sounds using alphabetic symbols or diacritical marks is known as ----------
A phonetic transcription
B phonetic symbolism
C phonetic alphabet
D phonetic chart
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1
11 The play set up by Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, to ascertain the guilt of King Claudius is called ----
A Catching Cook
B The Parent Trap
C The Deadly Trap
D Mouse Trap
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
12 Identify the grammatical voice in the following sentence:
In a short span of two years, the Automobile unit produced over a dozen models of cars for their new owner.
A indistinct
B active
C direct
D passive
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
13 “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Identify the auxiliary verb in this sentence:
A ask
B can do
C can
D do
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
14 The phonetic spelling “fUHRst” represents ----
A furst
B furrest
C first
D foohrst
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
15 Create a Complex sentence by minimally filling in the blanks shown in the following statement:
“----- like a Poet hidden/ In the light of thought/----singing hymns unbidden.”
A I; without
B Just; and
C They; while
D You’re; who’s
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
16 The full form of IPA in the context of language representation is------
A Indian Phonetic Association
B International Phonetic Alphabet
C Internal Phonic Accentuation
D Indian Phonological Accent
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
17 The theme of the essay “In Praise of Chimney Sweepers” is ------
A efficiency of chimney sweepers
B good looks of chimney sweepers
C chimney sweepers’ childhood at stake
D money makes gentlemen
E None of the above
Correct Answer C
Marks 1
18 By making use of its underlined components (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) recast the following sentence into another voice:
(1) The attacking rogue (2) was (3) hit (4) by (5) the alert security guard (6) with (7) a swift blow of his lathi.
A (1)-(2)-(3)-(6)-(7)
B (5)-(3)-(6)-(7)-(1)
C (1)-(3)-(5)-(4)-(7)
D (5)-(3)-(1)-(6)-(7)
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
19 Shakespeare’s As You Like it is----- but his Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is----
A comic romance; tragicomedy
B essay; novella
C short story; comedy
D comedy; tragedy
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
20 The most common vowel sound in English written by a vowel-letter or is left unwritten, is known as
A diphthong
B phoneme
D schwa
E None of the above
Correct Answer D
Marks 1
21 Read the following statement and identify from the given options, its negative form which is faithful to its original meaning:
“ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
A Don’t do unto others as you would have them undo unto you
B Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you
C Undo unto others as you would have them undo unto you
D Do unto others as you would have them not do unto you
E None of the above
Correct Answer B
Marks 1
22 “If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge.” In this statement of Shylock, the money lender, “it” refers to --
A cutting of the pound of flesh
B making up for the loss of money
C return of Antonio’s ships lost at sea
D the trial in the court of the Duke
E None of the above
Correct Answer A
Marks 1