गाेवा लाेकसेवा आयाेग परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी - ३६

गोवा लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या कनिष्ठ श्रेणी अधि कारी - राज्य नागरी सेवा पदांसाठी पूर्व चाचणी (Pre-Screening test for Junior Scale Officers of Goa civil service) होत असते. राज्यभरातून हजारो उमेदवार या पदांसाठी अर्ज करतात. अशा उमेदवारांना या परीक्षेसाठी कशा पद्धतीचे प्रश्न येतात ते कळावे यासाठी गेल्या काही वर्षात झालेल्या परीक्षांमधील प्रश्नावली गोवन वार्ता प्रसिद्ध करत आहे. हा उपक्रम फक्त उमेदवारांना मदत व्हावी या हेतूने आहे.

Story: न्यूज डेस्क। गोवन वार्ता |
03rd October, 08:52 pm
गाेवा लाेकसेवा आयाेग परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी - ३६

1 Question Description A ship at anchor has been communicating marginally with a shore station approximately 200 miles (322km) distant on a frequency

in the 4 MHz band periodically throughout the day. Toward the late afternoon and evening, what effect should be noticed?

A Communications should be maintained with slight improvement in the signal received from the shore station.

B Communications should slowly deteriorate but may be continued throughout the night.

C Communications should gradually deteriorate and become impossible on this frequency by night.

D Communications should gradually improve and peak at night and early morning.

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

2 Question Description The main purpose of transmissions on 518 KHz is for

A Two-way RT communication with life raft during SAR operations

B NAVTEX English-language reception

C EPIRB local homing

D Triggering a SART during SAR operations

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

3 Question Description The function of an AIS-SART is to

A allow two-way communication for survival craft

B provide a secondary method of Distress alerting

C show ID and position of the casualty on Radar/Electronic Navigation System

D allow Distress alerting by satellite

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

4 Question Description What should happen when an RQ code is received by a SITOR station which is sending message traffic?

A The last block will be resent.

B The next block will be sent.

C The data link will break.

D The acknowledge light should illuminate

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

5 Question Description By which of the following elements, the fire triangle is represented?

A Chemical extinguishing agent, fuel, water

B Chemical extinguishing agent, heat, light

C Chemical powder, fuel, air

D Fuel,heat,oxygen

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

6 Question Description How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity?

A A unique radar signal consisting of 12 dots radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing

B A unique two-tone "warbling" signal heard on VHF-FM Ch-70.

C A unique two-tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic un-muting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiver.

D The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on an SART.

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

7 Question Description While keeping radio watch You receive an Urgent DSC call to all vessels specifying an alternate telex frequency & emission. If

your transceiver frequency display reads: 2174.5 kHz transmit & 4207.5 kHz receive:

A Either the call was incorrectly formatted by the other vessel or the other vessel has presumably lost MF/HF voice capability.

B The DSC controller decoded the contents of the DSC call but the request is illegal

C Both a) and d) are true.

D The DSC call came in on 4 MHz DSC but either the call was incorrectly formatted by the other vessel or your controller failed to

decode the receive field of the alternate frequency entry and only your Transmit set-up is correct.

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

8 Question Description The brilliance control on a radar should be adjusted so that

A The trace is barely visible

B The trace is bright as possible

C Weaker echoes are just barely visible

D Weaker echoes are as strong as possible

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

9 Question Description Freeboard of a ship is

A The distance in meters from the topmost point of Mast till the keel

B The distance in meters from the Keel to the waterline

C The distance in meters from the waterline to the uppermost continous deck

D The distance from the Pilmsol mark to the waterline

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

10 Question Description The Inmarsat Special Access Code to be used when requesting Medical Advice is

A 32

B 38

C 43

D 42

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

11 Question Description The Inmarsat Special Access Code to be used to report a Navigation Hazard is

A 41

B 38

C 42

D 43

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

12 Question Description You are on watch and a ship is entering into port, the Master says, the ship has a 2 degrees Stbd list, which of the below is correct

A The Vessel is tilted 2degrees to Stbd side

B The Vessel is tilted 2degreees to port side

C The Vessel has kept 2 crewlists ready to hand over to the Habour Master

D The Vessel will keep 2degrees to stbd of the port channel while entering into port.

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

13 Question Description A safety precaution when working aloft near a transmitter antenna, is to

A Ensure the transmitter is in the standby position only

B Disable the transmitter by removing the supply fuses

C Lock the frequency on 2182 KHz with transmitter on low power and J3H mode

D Ensure the transmission mode is at H3E

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

14 Question Description A ship at anchor has been communicating effectively with a shore station approximately 500 miles (805km) distant on a frequency

in the 16 MHz band periodically throughout the day. Toward the late afternoon and evening, what effect should be noticed?

A Communications should be maintained with slight improvement in the signal received from the shore station.

B The gray line effect will prevent communications after dark.

C Communications should gradually deteriorate and become impossible on this frequency at night.

D Communications should improve and peak at night

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

15 Question Description Where is the plimsoll mark found on a ship

A Port and stbd side in the fore part of the vessel

B Port and stbd side of the Funnel of the vessel

C Port and stbd side Midship area of the vessel

D Port and stbd side aft section of the vessel

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

16 Question Description As a safety precaution when working aloft near a transmitter antenna, ensure

A Transmitter is switched to the standby condition

B Antenna insulators are clean and transmitter switched off

C Antenna is disconnected from the transmitter and main fuses removed

D Transmitter switched off main fuses removed and connect antenna to earth

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

17 Question Description An EPIRB signal indicates…

A ID and position of casualty on X-band/3cm/9GHz radar

B position, course and speed of vessel in distress

C that survivors have abandoned ship

D that one or more persons may be in distress, and may have abandoned ship

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

18 Question Description An on-load test of the radio batteries can be done by operating the transmitter on full power and with the battery charger

A off while observing the battery voltmeter

B off while observing the discharge current

C on while observing the discharge current

D on while observing the battery voltmeter

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

19 Question Description You are on watch and a ship is entering into port, the Master says, the forward draft is 7.0mtrs and the Aft draft is 7.0mtrs, which of

the below is correct

A The Vessel has Stbd List

B The vessel is on an even keel

C The vessel has port list

D The Vessel is on perfect keel

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

20 Question Description GMDSS Sea Area A2 is best described as being within

A MF RT range of at least one shore station providing continuous MF DSC alerting

B RT range of an MF shore station providing continuous MF watch

C HF RT range of at least one shore station providing continuous HF DSC alerting

D Range of the Inmarsat system with continuous watch

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

21 Question Description What causes the SART to begin a transmission?

A When activated manually, it begins radiating immediately.

B It is either manually or water activated before radiating.

C After being activated the SART responds to radar interrogation.

D It begins radiating only when keyed by the operator.

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

22 Question Description Communication allowed on the port Operations Service are those related to the

A Operational handling of ships and the movement and safety of ships only

B Operational handling of ships and Ship Chandlers only

C Operational handling of ships and the movement and safety of ships and emergency the safety of persons

D Movement and safety of ships and ship Chandlers notification only

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

23 Question Description You are on watch and a ship is entering into port, the Master says, the forward draft is 7.0mtrs and the Aft draft is 7.5mtrs, which of

the below is correct

A The Vessel is 0.5mtrs trim by Head

B The vessel is on an even keel

C The list of the ship is 0.5 deg to Port side

D The Vessel is 0.5mtrs trim by Stern

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

24 Question Description The correct format for an RT Urgency call is

A PAN (x3) this is Marpanco JARC 341234513 (x3)

B All Stations (x3) this is Marpanco (x3)

C PAN PAN (x3) All Stations (x3) this is Marpanco (x3) JARC 341234513 (x3)

D SECURITE (x3) All Stations (x3) this is Marpanco (x3) JARC 341234513 (x3)

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

25 Question Description On a radar, an alternative name for the anti-rain clutter control

A Shift Control

B F.T.C control

C S.T.C Control

D Swept gain control

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

26 Question Description The gain control on a radar should be adjusted so that

A The screen has no speckling

B Clutter echoes are showing at maximum strength

C No clutter echoes are showing on the screen

D There is a light speckled background on the screen

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

27 Comprehension Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Stereotyping is a type of generalization which attributes traits or characteristics to everyone in a large group. People who stereotype

tend to have fixed and unbending opinions. They respond to challenges by distorting reality, rather than consider their assumptions

and conclusions, which they have labelled as the

truth. What happens is that the facts are compared to the stereotype and then rejected, because they do not fit the stereotype.

Stereotyping is often caused by ethno-centrism. The ramifications of stereotyping are that it:

• Forces us to choose ideas

• Causes destructive competition

• Alienates us from others

• Leads to narrow thinking

We end up denying dignity to others, whom we stereotype, and generate unhappiness all around us.

Question Description Those who tend to stereotype are not likely to

A have rigid views about others

B revisit their assumptions about others

C believe their opinions as the truth

D distort reality rather than face truth

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

28 Comprehension Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Stereotyping is a type of generalization which attributes traits or characteristics to everyone in a large group. People who stereotype

tend to have fixed and unbending opinions. They respond to challenges by distorting reality, rather than consider their assumptions

and conclusions, which they have labelled as the

truth. What happens is that the facts are compared to the stereotype and then rejected, because they do not fit the stereotype.

Stereotyping is often caused by ethno-centrism. The ramifications of stereotyping are that it:

• Forces us to choose ideas

• Causes destructive competition

• Alienates us from others

• Leads to narrow thinking

We end up denying dignity to others, whom we stereotype, and generate unhappiness all around us.

Question Description Identify the phrase from the following options, which means ‘alienates’

A encourages estrangement

B generates friendliness

C connects to others

D turns towards strangers

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

29 Comprehension Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Stereotyping is a type of generalization which attributes traits or characteristics to everyone in a large group. People who stereotype

tend to have fixed and unbending opinions. They respond to challenges by distorting reality, rather than consider their assumptions

and conclusions, which they have labelled as the

truth. What happens is that the facts are compared to the stereotype and then rejected, because they do not fit the stereotype.

Stereotyping is often caused by ethno-centrism. The ramifications of stereotyping are that it:

• Forces us to choose ideas

• Causes destructive competition

• Alienates us from others

• Leads to narrow thinking

We end up denying dignity to others, whom we stereotype, and generate unhappiness all around us.

Question Description Select the synonym for ‘ramification’ from the options provided below

A cause

B aftermath

C juncture

D source

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1