जीपीएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

गोवा लोकसेवा आयोगातर्फे (जीपीएससी) सहाय्यक जिल्हा शैक्षणिक निरीक्षक (Assistant District Educational Inspectors) पदासाठी यापूर्वी झालेल्या परीक्षेची प्रश्नावली देण्यात येत आहे. अशी परीक्षा देणाऱ्या उमेदवारांना परीक्षेचे स्वरूप लक्षात यावे, या उद्देशाने ही प्रश्नावली देत आहोत.

Story: न्यूज डेस्क। गोवन वार्ता |
02nd March, 05:00 am
जीपीएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

1 Question Description Which state does Uma Chhetri, who has been selected for the Indian women's cricket team, belong to?

A Goa

B Odisha

C Kerala

D Assam

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

2  Question Description What is the theme of the B20 Summit India 2023?

A Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable, Equitable (R.A.I.S.E) Businesses

B Business Opportunities in India (B.O.I.N)

C Bridging the Digital Divide

D Global Economic Trends In Businesses (G.E.T.I.B)

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

3 Question Description India and which country have recently started bilateral trade in rupees?

A Russia

B Bangladesh

C Pakistan

D Sri Lanka

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

4 Question Description Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

225 : 12 : 435 : ?

A 12

B 20

C 25

D 19

E None of the above

Correct Answer D

Marks 1

5 Question Description Study the following questions carefully and choose the right answer

Statement: Should articles of only deserving authors be allowed to be published?


I, Yes, It will save a lot of paper which is in short supply.

II. No. It is not possible to draw a line between the deserving and the undeserving.

A Only I is strong

B Only II is strong

C Either I or II is strong

D Neither I nor II is strong

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

6 Question Description Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

8 persons from A to H are sitting around a square table such that 4 persons sit at each of the corners while the rest 4 sit at the middle

of the sides. The ones sitting at the corners are facing inside while the rest are facing outside. The persons whose name starts with

consecutive letters do not sit adjacent. B sits second to the right of A, who is on the immediate left of C. F sits on the immediate

right of D, who sits at one of the corners. At least one person sits between C and G.

Who sits on the immediate left of G?





E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

7 Question Description What will be the difference between the third last digit and fourth digit from the left end of the number ‘947823165’ after arranging

all its digits in ascending order?

A 4

B 5

C 3

D 7

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

8 Question Description Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

A 23

B 27

C 29

D 31

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

9 Question Description Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

Eight persons namely Aadit, Babar, Chahel, Danvir, Etash, Faisal, Gagan and Hardik were standing in different directions with

respect to each other. Each of them scored different marks in the English subject among 34, 39, 43, 48, 54, 63 and 70 but not

necessarily in the same order. Only two of them have equal marks.

Aadit is 12m west of Etash and his mark is 54. Only Chahel scored the highest mark and stands 15m west of the person, whose

marks is 63. Babar stands 8m north of Hardik, who scored 34 marks. Hardik is 20m south-west of Etash. The mark scored by Etash

and the person, who stands 15m west of Chahel is same. Gagan is 15m west of the person, whose marks is 43. The one who scored

third lowest mark is 16m north of Chahel. Danvir is not to the north-west of Aadit. Etash’s mark is more than 43. Babar scored

more marks than Aadit. Aadit, Babar and Hardik are standing in a vertical line.

How many persons scored more marks than the one who is exactly to the east of Aadit?

A Two

B Three

C Four

D Five

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

10 Question Description Directions: An alphanumeric machine accepts letters as input and delivers output in form of numbers through different steps. Each

step is obtained by applying an operation different from the previous step. Each step gives output taking input from the previous

step. Below mentioned is an illustration of the same.

Input : upsurge beyond difficulties attribute their findings life shower

Step 1: 9 4 25 16 4 4 4 4

Step 2: 13 8 29 20

Step 3: 16 12

Step 4: 12

Step 4 is the last step of the output.

Find the different steps of output for the following input.

Input : small expectations large results transform normal into abnormal

What is the cube of the final output

A 64

B 216

C 125

D 27

E None of the above

Correct Answer A

Marks 1

11 Question Description Directions: In each question below are given some statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the

given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then

decide which of the given conclusions logically follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

Statements : Some balls are bats.

No bat is a wicket.

Conclusions : I. Some wickets are not ball.

II. All wickets being ball is a possibility.

A If only conclusion I follow

B If only conclusion II follow

C If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows

D If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1

12 Question Description Each vowel of the word ADJECTIVE is substituted with the next letter of the English alphabetical series, and each consonant is

substituted with the letter preceding it. How many vowels are present in the new arrangement?

A None

B One

C Two

D Three

E None of the above

Correct Answer C

Marks 1

13 Question Description In a family of 7 persons, there are only 3 females and three married couples. Each child has both the parents alive. The family

members – A, B, C, D, E, F and G spent certain amounts in a month.

B is the only son of G, who spent the third highest amount. A is not a female and spent an amount just lower than D’s husband. C is

the father of two children of different genders one of them is D. E’s mother-in-law was the third highest spender. F is the aunt of A

and spent the highest amount. The spendings of E were just lower than A’s uncle, who spent the fourth highest amount. C spent Rs.

4500, which is the second highest amount to be spent.

How is the second highest spender related to the second lowest spender?

A Father

B Maternal grandfather

C Paternal Uncle

D Can't be determined

E None of the above

Correct Answer B

Marks 1