जीएसएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

गोवा कर्मचारी निवड आयोग म्हणजेच ‘जीएसएससी’तर्फे तंत्रज्ञ (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/भौतिकशास्त्र (Technician (Electronics/Physics) या पदासाठी घेतल्या जाणाऱ्या परीक्षेकरिता कॉम्प्युटर आधारित परीक्षेसाठीची नमुना प्रश्नपत्रिका. राज्यभरातून हजारो उमेदवार या पदांसाठी अर्ज करतात. या परीक्षेसाठी कशा पद्धतीचे प्रश्न येतात ते कळावे यासाठी गेल्या काही वर्षांतील परीक्षांमधील प्रश्नावली ‘गोवन वार्ता’ प्रसिद्ध करत आहे.

Story: न्यूज डेस्क। गोवन वार्ता |
23rd February, 05:07 am
जीएसएससी परीक्षा पूर्वतयारी

1 Question Description

The value of an article which was purchased 2 years ago, depreciates at 12% per annum. If its present value is Rs. 9680, the price at which it was purchased is----------- 

A RS 10,000 

B RS 12,500 

C RS 14,575 

D RS 16,250 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer b 

2 Question Description

49785x63+3319 x 15 x 37 

A 3136455 

B 4978500 

C 1842045 

D 497580 

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer b 

3 Question Description

The number which has no reciprocal is-------

A 5 

B 3 

C 0 

D 10 

E None of the above

Marks 1

Answer c 

4 Question Description 

In two digit number the digit at units place is 2x and the digit at tens place is 2y then the two digit number is 

A 2(10y + x) 

B 2(10x + y) 

C 10y + x 

D 10x + y 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

5 Question Description 

The missing number in the series 2,6,12,20,-----,42 is----

A 32 

B 26 

C 40 

D 30 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer d

6 Question Description  

In a row if Ram is 3rd to the right of Shyam who is 6th from right end. What is the rank of Ram from the right side of the row? 

A 3rd

B 5th 

C 2nd 

D 4th 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

7 Question Description

There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of: and one word is given on another side of:: while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has. Select the best alternatives. 

Length: Metre :: Volume: ? 

A Litre

B Kilogram

C Hectare

D Volt

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

8 Question Description  

Pointing to a man, Richa said his mother is the only daughter of my mother. How is Richa related to the man? 

A Mother 

B Daughter 

C Sister 

D Aunt 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

9 Question Description  

What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 

1, 6, 13, 22, 33, ? 

A 44 

B 45 

C 46 

D 47 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer C 

10 Question Description

What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 4, 10,?, 82, 244, 730 

A 24

B 28

C 77 

D 218 

E None of the above 

Marks 1

Answer b 

11 Question Description 

Lamp efficiency is measured in 

A Lumen/Watt 

B Lumen/Lux 

C Candela/Watt 

D Lux/Watt 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

12 Question Description

In an inverse definite minimum time electromagnetic type over current relay, the minimum time feature is achieved because of 

A Saturation of magnetic circuit 

B Proper mechanical design 

C Appropriate time delay element 

D Electromagnetic damping 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a 

13 Question Description 

Direction of rotation of a split phase motor can be reversed by reversing the connection of 

A Running winding only 

B Starting winding only 

C Either Running winding or starting winding 

D Both running winding and starting winding 

E None of the above 

Marks 1  

Answer C 

14 Question Description 

What is the type of cell used for building a laptop battery pack 

A Nickel cadmium 

B Lithium ion 

C Zinc Silver oxide 

D Lead acid 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer b 

15 Question Description  

How many earth connections are required for the motor as per IE rule 61? 

A One 

B Two separate and distinct 

C Three separate and distinct 

D All of the above 

E None of the above 

Marks 1

Answer b 

 16 Question Description 

In a overcurrent protection the setting of the earth fault relay is 

A More than the phase fault relay 

B Equal to phase fault relay 

C Less than phase fault relay 

D The two settings are unrelated to each other 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer C 

17 Question Description 

In case if the air gap in an induction motor is increased then 

A The magnetizing current of the rotor will decrease  

B Power factor will decrease 

C Speed of motor will increase 

D The windage losses will increase 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer b 

18 Question Description  

Which of the following machines has a heavy fluctuations of load?

A Printing machine 

B Punching machine 

C Planer 

D Lathe 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer b 

19 Question Description

If the percentage impedance of the transformers working in parallel are different, then 

A Transformer will be overheated 

B Power factor of both the transformers will be same 

C Parallel operation will not be possible 

D Parallel operation will still be possible but the power factors at which the two transformers operate will be different from the power factor of the common load 

E None of the above 

Marks 1

Answer d

20 Question Description 

A moderator in nuclear power plant is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to 

A Control the reaction 

B Reduce the temperature 

C Extract heat from nuclear reaction 

D Slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer d 

21 Question Description 

What is the main function of a function generator in electronics? 

A Generate waveforms 

B Measure frequency 

C Measure capacitance 

D Generate light output 

E None of the above 

Marks 1 

Answer a